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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

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المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إب    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 2:40 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالسياسة الأمريكية في الشرق الأوسط وخسارة الداخل الأمريكي : كامل الحساني    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:29 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالاقتصاد الاخضر "الطبيبة البيطرية سارة سالم . كتبت ودع الياسين الاقتصاد الاخضر : "الطبيبة البيطرية سارة سالم    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:23 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إبريل    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:04 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيعن شبيه الجزار خلخالي : نزار جاف    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 23:33 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيإعتراف قرب الشاطئ : نوال الرشيدي    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 22:57 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينييوم الغدير- عندما تتحول الاساطير والبدع الى حقائق دامغة /٢ـ ٣ علي الكاش    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 22:11 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياخر الاخبار الأيام المقبلة .. نينوى تستعد لتسلم 170 عائلة “داعشية” من الهول ! 3 يونيو، 2024 مع متابعة شخصين هاربين .. “حنون” يكشف استرداد إحدى المدانات بـ”سرقة القرن” من بيلاروسيا ! 3 يونيو، 2024 بالوثائق .. “الداخلية” العراقي    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 22:04 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأفكار شاردة من هنا هناك/٦١ : بيلسان قيصر    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 2:42 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالى المشفى ان شاء الله عندي عملية جراحية دعواتكم    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 3 يونيو 2024 - 2:40 من طرف

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  Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis

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الأوسمة : كاتب مميز
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 23467
نقاط نقاط : 211979
التقييم التقييم : 15
العمر : 82

    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis       Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالسبت 11 أكتوبر 2014 - 18:04

  Oct. 10, 2014
United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town
By Associated Press
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_7
Photo: Reuters
اقتباس :
MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani besieged by the Islamic State group, warning that they were likely to be “massacred” if it falls to the extremists.
Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkish border and said a UN analysis shows only a small portion remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.
The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking almost full control of the so-called “Kurdish security quarters” — an area where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and where the police station and the municipal and other local government offices are located.
The onslaught by the Islamic State on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.
“The city is in danger,” said Farhad Shami, a Kurdish activist in Kobani reached by phone from Beirut. He said the Islamic State was bringing in more reinforcements.

    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_8
Smoke rises after a US-led airstrike in Kobani on Oct. 10.Photo: Reuters
US-led airstrikes against the extremists appear to have failed to blunt their push on Kobani. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said with the new advances toward the Kurdish security quarters in the eastern part of the town, the Islamic State was now in control of 40 percent of Kobani.
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_9
Demonstrators clash with riot police outside the Middle Eastern Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, on Oct. 9 as they denounce Turkey’s unwillingness to intervene militarily against ISIS forces in Kobani.Photo: Zumapress.com
The Observatory, which collects its information from a network of activists on the ground in Syria, said the US-led coalition launched airstrikes east and south of Kobani overnight. It was not clear what they targeted.
The US Central Command said in a statement Thursday that it conducted nine airstrikes in Syria, six of them hitting south of Kobani and destroying two buildings held by the Islamic State, a tank and a heavy machine gun, and one fighting position. Three airstrikes north of Kobani struck two small militant units and also destroyed two buildings occupied by the Islamic State, the statement said.
On Friday, the militants shelled the town’s single border crossing with Turkey in efforts to capture it and cut off Kobani, a local Kurdish official and Syrian activists said.
The official, Idriss Nassan, said Islamic State fighters aim to seize the crossing in order to close the noose around the town’s Kurdish defenders and prevent anyone from entering or leaving Kobani.
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_10
United Nations special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura holds a map of Kobani as he addresses his first news conference at the United Nations’ European headquarters in Geneva on Oct. 10.Photo: Reuters
By mid-morning Friday, occasional gunfire and explosions that appeared to be rocket-propelled grenades and mortar shells could be heard from across the border in Turkey, and plumes of smoke were seen rising in the distance. The Observatory said the militants shelled several areas in Kobani, including the border crossing, which is the town’s only gateway to Turkey.
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_11
Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire a mortar during clashes with Islamic State militants Oct. 8.Photo: Reuters
“Daesh is doing all it can to take the border crossing point through the farmlands east of the city,” Nassan said, using an Arabic acronym to refer to the Islamic State. “They think there might be help (for the Kurdish militia) coming through the crossing so they want to control the border.”
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_12
Turks perform a prayer for Kurdish fighters killed in Kobani while fighting against Islamic State militants.Photo: EPA
In Geneva, de Mistura said a UN analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani. He said there were about 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there, while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.
De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.
If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, “we know what they are capable of doing,” said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the UN post in July.
The civilians of Kobani “will be most likely massacred,” de Mistura said. “When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent.”
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis 10_E3_13
Smoke rises during clashes in Kobani on Oct. 10.Photo: EPA
“You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that,” he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the UN had troops on the ground, but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.
In Syria, there are no UN troops. Turkey has deployed troops and tanks across the border, but despite U.S. pressure on Turkey to get more involved in the battle against the extremists, Turkish officials have said they will not join the fight unless the US-led coalition also goes after the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
De Mistura appealed to Turkish authorities to allow volunteers and equipment to flow into Kobani and help its Syrian Kurdish defenders.
Without more such help, he added, Kobani is “likely to fall.”
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الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis Pi-ca-10
المشاركات المشاركات : 78899
نقاط نقاط : 703375
التقييم التقييم : 313
العمر : 118

    Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis       Oct. 10, 2014          United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town     By Associated Press       Photo: Reuters   MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis I_icon_minitimeالسبت 11 أكتوبر 2014 - 18:33

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Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis
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Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis , Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis , Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis , Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis , Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis , Oct. 10, 2014 United Nations warns of massacre if ISIS takes Syrian town By Associated Press Photo: Reuters MURSITPINAR, Turkey: The new UN envoy to Syria said Friday that at least 500 civilians remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdis
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