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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

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المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسينيعيدنا يوم عودتنا/شعر لطفي الياسينيJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 20:43 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيجايين يا ارض الوطن جايين/ د. لطفي الياسينيJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 17:51 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينييا زعيم جماعتي...إهداء إلى الدكتور الشيخ لطفي الياسيني رئيس المجلس الأعلى للإعلام الفلسطيني شعر ليلى عبد العزيز عريقاتJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 15:44 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيجريدة الفجرJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 15:13 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياقبل الارض تحت نعال من مروا / الحاج لطفي الياسينيJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 13:32 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيAbo Nahren الاخوة والاخوات الاعزاء في الصفحة : حياكم الله ورعاكم وحفظكم والحمد لله على نعمة الحياة التي غمرني بها الاب السماوي له الاجلال وقدس الاقداس فبعد 30 يوما من الرقود في الفراش في البيت لوحدي حيث كنت مصابا بفايروس خطير هز كياني بمرض الانفلونزا والتJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 11:52 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني كيف دعمت إيفانكا ترامب والدها المُدان؟ إرم نيوز:علّقت إيفانكا ترامب ابنة الرئيس الأمريكي السابق، دونالد ترامب، على إدانة والدها بجميع التهم الـ34 المتعلقة بتزوير سجلات الأعمال في القضية المعروفة باسم "أموال الصمت". ونشرت إيفانكا ترامب عبر صفحتها على مJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 11:49 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالمسارات الجهاديّة في شعر الشّاعر لطفي الياسيني بقلم: حسين أحمد سليمJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 3:12 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيشوق وحنين الى مدينة الناصرة وذكرياتي مع اخي الشاعر ميشيل حداد / د. لطفي الياسينيJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 0:59 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني في ذكرى رحيل مؤسس البعث العربي الإشتراكي الرفيق القائد أحمد ميشيل عفلق / الحاج لطفي الياسينيJul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 0:59 من طرف

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 Jul. 16, 2015 NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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الأوسمة : كاتب مميز
Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 23453
نقاط نقاط : 211786
التقييم التقييم : 15
العمر : 82

Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Jul. 16, 2015 NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr   Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 17 يوليو 2015 - 22:20

Jul. 16, 2015
NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system
Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr 16_E3_10
Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr 16_E3_11By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Private Limited/Yahoo India News – 9 hours
اقتباس :
Washington, July 16 (IANS) NASA's New Horizons probe has discovered a stunning mountain range on Pluto with peaks jutting as high as 11,000 feet above the surface.
The data suggests that the Pluto's surface was formed no more than 100 million years ago - a mere youngster in a 4.56-billion-year-old solar system.
It also means that the close-up region, which covers about one percent of Pluto's surface, may still be geologically active today.
"This is one of the youngest surfaces we have ever seen in the solar system," said Jeff Moore from NASA's Ames Research Centre in Moffett Field, California.
The probe, now heading deeper into the mysterious Kuiper Belt beyond our solar system, also clicked a new, youthful view of Pluto's largest moon Charon.
"New Horizons is a true mission of exploration showing us why basic scientific research is so important," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, DC.
"Today, we get the first sampling of the scientific treasure collected during those critical moments and I can tell you it dramatically surpasses those high expectations," he added.
Unlike the icy moons of giant planets, Pluto cannot be heated by gravitational interactions with a much larger planetary body.
Some other process must be generating the mountainous landscape, NASA said in a statement.
This may cause scientists to rethink what powers geological activity on many other icy worlds.
"New Horizons is returning amazing results already. The data look absolutely gorgeous, and Pluto and Charon are just mind blowing," said Alan Stern, principal investigator for New Horizons.
The new view of Charon reveals a youthful and varied terrain.
Scientists are surprised by the apparent lack of craters. A swath of cliffs and troughs stretching about 1,000 km suggests widespread fracturing of Charon's crust, likely the result of internal geological processes.
The image also shows a canyon estimated to be seven-nine km deep.
In Charon's north polar region, the dark surface markings have a diffuse boundary, suggesting a thin deposit or stain on the surface.
New Horizons also observed the smaller members of the Pluto system, which includes four other moons: Nix, Hydra, Styx and Kerberos.
A new sneak-peak image of Hydra is the first to reveal its apparent irregular shape and its size, estimated to be about 43-33 km.
The observations also indicate Hydra's surface is probably coated with water ice.
Future images will reveal more clues about the formation of this and the other moon billions of years ago.
New Horizons travelled more than three billion miles over a period of nine years to reach the Pluto system.
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أمير المقاومين

أمير المقاومين
معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr Pi-ca-10
المشاركات المشاركات : 78891
نقاط نقاط : 703290
التقييم التقييم : 313
العمر : 118

Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Jul. 16, 2015 NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr   Jul. 16, 2015   	  NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system      By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr I_icon_minitimeالسبت 18 يوليو 2015 - 0:13

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Jul. 16, 2015 NASA: Pluto has the youngest surface in our solar system By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Pr
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