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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

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المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إبريلCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeاليوم في 1:06 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ومن التفكير.. ما قَتَلْ !!؟؟ د.أسعد الامارة CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 22:47 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأفكار شاردة من هنا هناك/٧٤ : بيلسان قيصرCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 21:56 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إبريلCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:36 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينينصائح ذهبية للتأكد من صحة الخبر : د. وائل القيسيCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:35 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيتَقِيَّ الدِّينِ يَرْحَمُكَ الْإِلَهُ : محسن عبد المعطي محمد عبد ربهCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:34 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيكردستان العراق .. مخاوف من "شظايا" مواجهة إيران وإسرائيل آثار آخر هجوم صاروخي إيراني تعرضت له أربيل في يناير الماضي.CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:33 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني إسرائيل تضع نهاية لمسلسل صعود إيران منذ سقوط بغداد يخشى محللون من تكرار سيناريو ما بعد الإطاحة بالرئيس العراقي صدام حسين في 2003 CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:32 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيلا وقت لربط الأحزمة !.. رحلة من لندن إلى نيويورك في أقل من ساعة!CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:31 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيليل غير مؤدب : حسام عبد الحسينCNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:31 من طرف

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 CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun

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CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 23917
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CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun   CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 22 ديسمبر 2020 - 14:38

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun AAxXYw5

[size=47]UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions[/size]

CNN Staff
1 hour ago

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB1c8F5M

'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain…

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB1c8yw4

Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun Png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Countries around the world are imposing bans and restrictions on travel from the United Kingdom to stem the transmission of a coronavirus variant that health authorities say can spread faster than others.

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB1c7uY6

:copyright: Niklas Halle'n/AFP via Getty Images Travelers wearing a face mask or covering stand at check-in desks at Terminal 2 of Heathrow Airport in London on December 21 as a string of countries around the world banned travellers arriving from the UK.

The new variant discovered in the UK prompted authorities to impose a Tier 4 lockdown in London and southeast England and tighten restrictions for all of England over the festive period.

Since the UK lockdown was announced on Saturday, nearly 40 countries in Europe, Asia, South America and the Middle East have restricted travel from the UK and in some cases, also travel from other countries that have documented cases with the variant.

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB1c7zv2

:copyright: Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images North America/Getty Images Canada is among the nations putting a temporary ban on travel from the United Kingdom.

The variant has also been detected in Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia, according to the World Health Organization. In South Africa, a different coronavirus variant has been reported, the WHO's technical lead for Covid-19, Maria van Kerkhove, said Monday.

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is working to support British nationals affected by the travel disruptions caused by the new restrictions, which have cut off UK travelers from much of Europe and other parts of the world.

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB10d1Hh

:copyright: Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty Images Russia is joining the ban on flights to and from the UK.

The United States had not issued a ban on travel from the UK as of early Tuesday morning.

However, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has called for either a ban on travel from the UK or mandatory testing of passengers. Now all passengers on Delta, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic flights between the UK and New York City will be obliged to present negative tests ahead of their flight.

US Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Brett Giroir told CNN that as of Monday morning, there weren't plans for US restrictions on travel to or from the UK because of the new coronavirus variant, but "everything is possible, we just need to put everything on the table, have an open scientific discussion and make a best recommendation."

"CDC is following the situation closely and actively assessing the implications of the new variant and response options with respect to international travel," according to a statement from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun BB1c7LAf

:copyright: CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/AFP/Getty Images The German government in Berlin (above) is restricting travel from the UK.



According to a joint statement published Sunday by the Argentinian Health and Interior Ministries, Argentina was to allow only one more flight from Britain to land at the international airport in Buenos Aires on Monday morning. Later flights have been canceled. 


Belgium will block travelers from the United Kingdom on Monday because of the coronavirus variant that has emerged there, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said Sunday morning.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov convened a working meeting on Sunday with members of his Cabinet in response to the new variant, during which it was decided to temporarily suspend air travel between Bulgaria and the United Kingdom starting Monday until January 31, 2021, his office said.


Canada says it was banning most passenger travel from the UK beginning midnight Sunday for at least 72 hours. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed the news in a tweet Sunday night saying it was being done to "protect" Canadians across the country.


The Chilean government announced that all flights to and from the UK will be suspended beginning on Tuesday, and that travelers who have been to the UK in the past 14 days would have to self-quarantine. 


Colombian President Ivan Duque announced that all flights between Colombia and the UK will be suspended, starting on Monday. Travelers who have been to the UK in the past 14 days will also have to self-quarantine upon entering Colombia, Duque told reporters.

Czech Republic

The Czech government was halting flights from the UK as of 6 a.m. ET Monday in reaction to the new variant of the coronavirus in the UK, a government statement said.


Denmark has temporarily banned air travel from the UK for 48 hours. Transport Minister Benny Engelbrecht said Denmark is "in a very serious situation" with widespread infection throughout the country. "The mutated Covid-19 virus, which has spread rapidly in London and other parts of England," could make it harder to control the infection. The ban is in effect through December 23.

El Salvador

El Salvador is banning anyone entering the country from the UK and South Africa.


The government of Estonia announced a suspension of air traffic between Estonia and the UK on Sunday, which will last until the end of the year.


French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a 48-hour ban on the movement of people from the UK to France starting Sunday night and applying to all methods of transport.


The German government is restricting travel to and from the UK and South Africa because of the new coronavirus variant.


Grenada has suspended all flights to and from the UK until further notice. Additionally, anyone who has been in the UK within the past 14 days will not be allowed entry into the country.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong will ban all passengers who stayed in the United Kingdom for more than two hours in the past 14 days from arriving in the city starting Tuesday, Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan said during a Monday press conference.


Flights between India and the United Kingdom are suspended until the end of 2020, the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation said on Monday. Passengers arriving in India from the UK before December 22 are required to take a mandatory RT-PCR test.


Iran announced the suspension of flights to and from the UK for two weeks on Sunday.


Israel's government has banned flights from the UK, Denmark and South Africa.


Italy is suspending flights between the country and the United Kingdom because of the new coronavirus variant identified in England, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio announced on Sunday.


The government has decided to suspend all direct and indirect (transit) passenger flights from the United Kingdom starting Monday and lasting through January 3, 2021, according to a statement from Jordanian Government Spokesman and Minister of State for Media Affairs Ali Al-Ayed.


Kuwait has suspended flights arriving from the United Kingdom starting Monday.


Latvia has suspended travel to and from the UK from December 21 to January 1, the Latvian Ministry of Transportation announced in a statement on Sunday.


Fights from the UK will be suspended, Lithuania's prime minister tweeted.


Luxembourg has temporarily suspended flights from the UK after a new variant of coronavirus was found there, according to a government statement Sunday.


Morocco suspended flights to and from the United Kingdom starting Sunday night (December 20), Morocco State News Agency (MAP) reported.


The Netherlands will ban all passenger flights coming from the United Kingdom.

North Macedonia

The Prime Minister of North Macedonia has announced that flight restrictions to the UK will be unveiled imminently.


Oman will shut down its air, sea and land borders starting Tuesday, December 22, for one week to monitor the new variant of coronavirus reported by the United Kingdom, Oman state news agency reported.


Pakistan is suspending direct or indirect travel from the United Kingdom into the country.

According to a statement released by the Pakistan Aviation Ministry the suspension will be in effect from December 23-30. Repatriation flights to the UK are available, however. The ban will be reviewed December 28.


Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti announced a ban on flights coming from Europe for two weeks as a preventive measure. He also announced a ban on foreigners coming to Peru if they have been in the UK for the last two weeks.


Flights to and from the UK have been suspended until at least January 6.

Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland is banning flights from Britain on Monday and Tuesday, the government announced Sunday.


Russia is suspending flights to and from the UK for a week starting at midnight Moscow time on December 22, state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing Russian coronavirus response headquarters.


Spain's government, in coordination with Portugal, will refuse entry to travelers from the UK starting Tuesday, Spain's La Moncloa announced Monday afternoon. Spanish citizens and residents are exempt. The government also announced it will reinforce border controls at Gibraltar.


Sweden is banning travel from the UK, the country's foreign minister said on Sunday. The ban on flights took immediate effect on December 21, and will last 48 hours. However, the country has also banned all passengers arriving from the UK for one month, so expect the flight ban to be renewed.


Switzerland has issued a general entry ban for foreigners arriving from Great Britain or South Africa, as well as a retroactive quarantine following discovery of a new, more contagious strain of the coronavirus in Great Britain and South Africa.


Tunisia has suspended flights to and from the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa following the emergence of a new variant of coronavirus, the country's Ministry of Transport and Logistics announced Monday. Travelers who have recently resided or passed through those countries will not be allowed into Tunisia. The suspension goes into effect Monday and will last until further notice, the ministry said in a statement.


Turkey has banned flights from the UK, South Africa, the Netherlands and Denmark, the country's state-owned Anadolu Agency reported late Sunday.



President Lenin Moreno announced that visitors coming from the UK, Australia, South Africa and the EU need to show negative PCR test results taken 10 days prior to arriving in the country. They must also take an antibody test that will be provided at international airports, and must isolate for five days on arrival. Non-residents must isolate in hotels chosen by the local authorities.


Greece has imposed a seven-day quarantine for all travelers arriving from the United Kingdom starting December 22, the Greek Civil Protection department announced Sunday. Additionally, all passengers coming from the UK will be tested on arrival (they must also present a negative PCR test conducted within the last 72 hours). If the result of the test on arrival is negative, you must still quarantine for seven days. If positive, you must quarantine until advised otherwise by the authorities.


No individual who has been in the UK in the past 14 days can enter Mauritius, as of December 21. The ban will be reviewed on December 31.


From December 21 to January 4, no non-resident nationals who have been in the UK since December 7 will be allowed entry. Residents who have been in the UK since December 7 must get approval from the Paraguayan government to enter the country, and must present a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival. They must then quarantine for 10 days in government-provided accommodation or a 'health hotel'.

People already in Paraguay, who came from the UK between December 14-21, must isolate at home for seven days from their arrival date.


Portugal has imposed restrictions on flights from the UK. Only Portuguese nationals will be allowed to travel, and they must have a negative Covid-19 test, according to the country's Interior Minister.


Spain announced it is reinforcing airports to verify PCR tests for people arriving from the UK, according to a tweet from the government on Sunday.
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الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun Pi-ca-10
المشاركات المشاركات : 80030
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CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun   CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions  CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe…  Countries aroun I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء 23 ديسمبر 2020 - 0:07

لـك مـنـي عـبـق التحية…ورحـيـق الـوفـاء…وازدهاء الـثـنـاء..
يـكـلـلـه اعـتـرافي بـفـضـلـك الـذي ..أدهش مـخـيـلـتـي..
فـي وجـود مـن يـحـمـلـون إلى جـانـب الـمـودة والإخـاء…
بـصـوت يملأ الـدنـيـا ..وفـاءً..
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CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun
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CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun , CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun , CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun ,CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun ,CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun , CNN UK travel ban: These countries impose new restrictions CNN Staff 1 hour ago 'Fighting for our lives': Canada's theatre industry tries to plan for uncertain… Jim Clyburn: From pivotal endorsement to Cabinet advice, he is here for Joe… Countries aroun
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