منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

لطفي الياسني ،منتدى لطفي الياسيني شاعر المقاومة الفلسطينية
المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالجغرافيا وتكنولوجيا المعلوماتية الـذكـــاء الاصطناعي – أنموذجا أد. مجيد ملوك السامرائي، جغـرافـي، كاتـب ومـؤلف وأستاذ جامعSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeأمس في 2:20 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إبريلSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeأمس في 2:15 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيكلمات على ضفاف الحدث : المثقف والبحث عن دوره ....!! عبدالله عباسSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeأمس في 1:36 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني رسمياً.. الداخلية العراقية تتسلم مهام تأمين مطار بغداد الدولي Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 2:17 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني ابراج اليوم ابراج الغد تفسير الاحلام مقالات عن الابراج حظك اليوم حظك اليوم مع الابراج الحب أن أحبك ألف مرة ، وفي كل مرة أشعر أني أحبك لأول مرة - نزار قباني - توقعات الابراج وحظك اليوم الثلاثاء, 27 كانون الاول 2022 برج الحمل من 21 مارس إلى 20 إبريلSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 2:12 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأشهر عرس في التاريخ الأستاذ الدكتور باسل يونس ذنون الخياط أستاذ مُتمرِّس/ جامعة الموصلSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 2:02 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيكلاب ولكن كالبشر!! : احمد الحاجSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 1:47 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني* يد المنون تختطف الأخ العزيز والصديق الحميم رجل المبادئ السامية ومربي الاجيال الاستاذ الفاضل ( جبرائيل اسحاق العبوشي) في السويد .Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 1:17 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيحرب تلد اخرى : الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالرزاق محمد الدليميSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 - 0:05 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأفكار شاردة من هنا هناك/٦٤ : بيلسان قيصرSep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 1 يوليو 2024 - 23:33 من طرف

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 Sep. 15, 2017 Several people injured after bombing on London train Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
حناني ميــــــا
حناني ميــــــا

الإدارة العامة
الإدارة العامة
معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : كاتب مميز
Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 23578
نقاط نقاط : 213362
التقييم التقييم : 15
العمر : 82

Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Sep. 15, 2017 Several people injured after bombing on London train Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati   Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالسبت 16 سبتمبر 2017 - 11:13

Sep. 15, 2017
Several people injured after bombing on London train

Explosion at Parson's Green underground train station in Fulham leaves several passengers with injuries, incident being treated as 'terrorism'.
Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati 15_E2_16
Armed British police officers stand on duty outside Parsons Green underground tube station in west London.

اقتباس :
LONDON - Several people were injured on Friday after witnesses reported there had been a blast on a packed rush-hour commuter train in London and police said they were treating it as a terrorism incident.

Passengers on board a train heading into the capital fled as fire engulfed a carriage at Parsons Green underground station in West London at 8.20 a.m. (0720 GMT), with some suffering burns and other injuries in a stampede to escape, witnesses said.

The London ambulance service said it had taken 18 people to hospital, but said none were thought to be in a serious condition.

Neil Basu, the senior national coordinator for counter-terrorism policing, declared it a terrorist incident. Prime Minister Theresa May will chair a meeting of Britain's emergency response committee later on Friday, her office said.

"It is too early to confirm the cause of the fire, which will be subject to the investigation that is now underway by the Met's Counter Terrorism Command," London police said in a statement.

Pictures taken at the scene showed a white bucket with a supermarket freezer bag on the floor of one train carriage. The bucket was in flames and there appeared to be wires coming out of the top.

"I was on second carriage from the back. I just heard a kind of whoosh. I looked up and saw the whole carriage engulfed in flames making its way towards me," Ola Fayankinnu, who was on the train, told Reuters.

"A lot of people were trampled on. There were phones, hats, bags all over the place and when I looked back I saw a bag with flames. People were crying, shocked, a few people had been injured, some people had been trampled."

Outside the station, a woman was sitting on a pavement with a bandage around her leg, while armed police patrolled. A Reuters witness saw a woman being carried off on a stretcher with her legs covered in a foil blanket.


In 2005, 52 people were killed when four British Islamists carried out suicide bomb attacks on three London underground trains and a bus and this year Britain has suffered four attacks blamed on terrorists.

May said in the statement on Friday: "My thoughts are with those injured at Parsons Green and the emergency services who, once again, are responding swiftly and bravely to a suspected terrorist incident."

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said people should "keep calm" and continue their lives as normal.

Television footage showed passengers being escorted off a carriage while a Reuters witness saw armed police scouring a stationary train and a bomb disposal unit at the scene.

The fire brigade said it had sent six engines and 50 firefighters and London Ambulance said it had sent "multiple resources" including its hazardous area response team to the scene.

Transport for London said there was no service on the western part of the District Line which runs through Parsons Green.

In March this year, a man drove a car into pedestrians on London's Westminster Bridge killing four, before he stabbed a policeman to death outside parliament.

A further 22 people were killed in a suicide bombing at a pop concert in Manchester in May and the following month three Islamist militants drove into pedestrians on London Bridge before stabbing people at nearby restaurants and bars, killing eight.

In June, a van was driven into worshippers near a mosque in north London which left one man dead.

On Thursday, figures showed there had been a record number of terrorism-related arrests in the last year and earlier this week Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer Mark Rowley said there had been a shift-change in the threat.

In the three years until March this year, police foiled 13 potential attacks but in the next 17 weeks, there were the four attacks while the authorities thwarted six others, Rowley said.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
لطفي الياسيني
لطفي الياسيني

أمير المقاومين

أمير المقاومين
معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati Pi-ca-10
المشاركات المشاركات : 79209
نقاط نقاط : 705961
التقييم التقييم : 313
العمر : 118

Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Sep. 15, 2017 Several people injured after bombing on London train Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati   Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati I_icon_minitimeالسبت 16 سبتمبر 2017 - 20:05

Sep. 15, 2017   	   Several people injured after bombing on London train  Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati 21730962_1670761112943363_3222089099893170757_n
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Sep. 15, 2017 Several people injured after bombing on London train Explosion at Parson's Green underground train stati
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