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 Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'

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Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'   Bookwo11
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مُساهمةموضوع: Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'    Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'   I_icon_minitimeالخميس 19 فبراير 2015 - 3:37

Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'

Feb. 18, 2015
اقتباس :

Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'
Prospective 2016 candidate criticises Obama for entering into talks with Iran and says ‘everywhere you look, the world is slipping out of control’
Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'   18_E1_2
Jeb Bush is likely to announce a presidential run. Photograph: Rebecca Cook/Reuters
Tom McCarthy in New York

اقتباس :

Warning that “everywhere you look, you see the world slipping out of control,” Jeb Bush mounted a harsh attack on the foreign policy of President Obama Wednesday, in a speech that appeared to be a next step in a carefully choreographed rollout of a 2016 presidential bid.
Addressing a crowd of about 800 at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Bush described a foreign policy vision that was sharply at odds with Obama’s, and more subtly divergent from that of his brother, President George W Bush.
In a speech that was sharply skeptical of Iran, demonstratively supportive of Israel and disdainful of a White House foreign policy that he characterized as lackadaisical and foolish, Bush covered everything from the legacy in Iraq to Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s controversial visit to Washington and surveillance reform.
Perhaps Bush’s most pointed remarks were in faulting the Obama administration for entering nuclear negotiations that would leave Iran with civilian nuclear power.
“Iran’s intent is clear,” Bush said at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, a non-partisan thinktank. “Its leaders have openly called for an attempt to annihilate the state of Israel. This is an existential threat to Israel” and America’s friends in the region.
Bush called on Congress to pass sanctions in advance of the close of nuclear negotiations, to go into effect if the negotiations fail. The Obama administration and others have warned that such new legislation would derail the negotiations.
“Iran’s ambitions are clear, and its capabilities are growing … yet the Obama administration has launched negotiations in which the goal has shifted,” Bush said. “The Obama administration no longer seeks to ‘prevent’ nuclear enrichment, but only to ‘manage’ it.”
Bush emphasized his close ties with Israel, and jumped into the debate over a planned address to Congress by Netanyahu about Iran’s nuclear program. The White House has said it was not informed in advance of the planned speech, which was scheduled at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner, and that Vice President Joe Biden would not attend.
“I for one am very eager to hear what he has to say,” Bush said of Netanyahu. “I don’t blame him for wanting to share his views… I’m surprised that the US administration is upset about hearing from such a close and valuable ally.”
Bush said the Obama “administration has lobbed personal leaks and insults” at Netanyahu “with incredible regularity”.
Bush said government surveillance programs, including dragnet metadata collection by the National Security Agency, were important to preserve in the interests of national security.
“For the life of me, I don’t understand – the debate has gotten off track,” Bush said of the NSA collections. “We do protect our civil liberties, but this is a hugely important program to keep us safe.”
But Bush also grappled on Wednesday with perhaps the thorniest topic he will have to face in the 2016 presidential campaign: his brother George W Bush’s Iraq war.
“I love my brother, I love my dad – I actually love my mother, too,” Jeb Bush said in Chicago. “I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make. But I am my own man – and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences.”
A list of foreign policy advisers announced in advance of the speech by the Bush team threatened to complicate the message, however. The list, first obtained by the Washington Post, includes several prominent advocates of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Among them are Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defense secretary under George W Bush; Stephen Hadley, national security adviser under Bush; and John Negroponte, ambassador to the UN under Bush.
In 2003, at the beginning of the liberation of Iraq, neither Twitter nor Isis existed. New circumstances require new approaches.
Bush laid out principles he said would ensure American leadership, beginning with the importance of growing the US economy. He said Congress should give the president trade authority to complete new deals in the Pacific and in Europe.
While Bush has not officially declared his candidacy for president, he has assembled teams of aides and donors and begun to lay out a policy platform. The foreign policy plank Bush laid out on Wednesday featured sharp criticism of Obama, whom Bush accused of “withdrawing from the world”.
Bush’s brother left the White House as an historically unpopular president in part for the failure of his project to shape events in the Middle East. On the 10th anniversary of the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, 53% of Americans said the US “made a mistake sending troops to fight in Iraq” and 42% said it was not a mistake, according to a Gallup poll.
Veterans of the second Bush presidency who are now advising Jeb Bush have admitted mistakes in Iraq. “We also did not anticipate that al-Qaeda would move into the security vacuum created by [Saddam] Hussein’s fall and seek to defeat the United States in Iraq,” Hadley wrote on the war’s 10-year anniversary. Hadley has also warned, however, about the dangers of inaction abroad. “Syria today shows what happens when a bloody dictator goes unchecked,” Hadley wrote in a 2014 op-ed. Other former George W Bush cabinet members or advisers who are working on the Jeb Bush presidential project, according to the Washington Post list, include former homeland security secretaries Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, former CIA directors Porter Goss and Michael Hayden, and former attorney general Michael Mukasey. Jeb Bush’s list also includes James Baker and George Schultz, both secretaries of state who served under his father, President George HW Bush. “Each president learns from those who came before – their principles … their adjustments,” Jeb Bush planned to say in Chicago. “One thing we know is this: Every president inherits a changing world … and changing circumstances.”
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Jeb Bush attacks Obama's foreign policy and insists: 'I am my own man'   Pi-ca-10
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