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معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : المشاركات : 23996 نقاط : 218493 التقييم : 15 العمر : 82
| موضوع: Feb. 21, 2015 اقتباس : Italy deploys 1,800 soldiers in response to possible الأحد 22 فبراير 2015 - 2:09 | |
| Feb. 21, 2015 | اقتباس :
Italy deploys 1,800 soldiers in response to possible ISIS attacks on Vatican and Italy اقتباس :
The Islamic State's large presence in Libya has worried many in Europe, and fears are growing that an attempt could be made on the Pope's life
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online): The Italian cabinet has approved new security measures, and the head of the Swiss Guard is also increasing precautions to ensure that Pope Francis is safe. "What happened in Paris with the Charlie Hebdo attacks could also happen at the Vatican. We are ready to intervene to ensure Francis is protected," said Cristoph Graf, an official with Vatican security, during an interview with an Italian newspaper.
A convoy of around seventy vehicles bearing the Islamic State's banner were seen in Libya, pointing to a growing presence in North Africa and a threat to Europe.
"We have asked all the Swiss guards to be more attentive and to carefully monitor the movement of people," he said. One challenge with protecting the Pope is his people-friendly manner. He often deals close and personally with people during his public visits. "He does not like having security too close to him. We have to respect that and keep our distance," Graf said. Part of the increase in security throughout Italy is an increase in the number of soldiers who are on anti-terror duties, up to 4,800 from 3,000. Some sources within Italy report that the upcoming Expo 2015 world fair in Milan could be a prime target for Islamist Militants, either working directly for the Islamic State or as lone wolves. The foreign ministry in Rome, the Vatican and numerous synagogues throughout Italy have also been viewed as potential targets. "The risk of an attack by a lone wolf or an unbalanced person is concrete," said a member of the Copasir parliamentary committee which directly oversees the Italian secret services, Felice Casson. "The more successful attacks in other countries there are, the greater the risk of someone trying to emulate them in Italy," he said. |
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لطفي الياسيني معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : المشاركات : 80135 نقاط : 713946 التقييم : 313 العمر : 118 | موضوع: رد: Feb. 21, 2015 اقتباس : Italy deploys 1,800 soldiers in response to possible الأحد 22 فبراير 2015 - 2:30 | |
| بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين تحية الاسلام جزاك الله جنة الفردوس الاعلى التي اعدت للمتقين نفع الله بك الاسلام والمسلمين وادامك ذخرا لمنبرنا الشامخ شموخ ارز لبنان ان كل مفردات ثقافتي لا تفيك حقك من الشكر والاجلال والتقدير لك مني عاطر التحية واطيب المنى دمت بحفظ المولى عاش العراق .. عاشت المقاومة العراقية البطلة عاشت فلسطين حرة عربية من البحر الى النهر المجد والخلود لشهداء أمتنا الأبرار والله أكبر .. الله أكبر اللهم من المجاهدين العمل والإنابة ومنك التسديد والإصابة أن الموت على حبل العزه اشرف الاف المرات من العيش على بساط العار عذرا لتكرار الردود فانا مشلول | |