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معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : المشاركات : 23809 نقاط : 216407 التقييم : 15 العمر : 82
| موضوع: Apr. 16, 2016 Bernie Sanders criticizes Wall Street at Vatican conference The candidate for the US Democratic presiden الإثنين 18 أبريل 2016 - 0:06 | |
| Apr. 16, 2016 | |
Bernie Sanders criticizes Wall Street at Vatican conference The candidate for the US Democratic presidential nomination spoke at a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. The Pope was unable to meet participants of the conference but sent his greetings ahead of his visit to Lesbos [size] LAPRESSE [/size] - اقتباس :
Bernie Sanders, a candidate for the US Democratic presidential nomination, criticised Wall Street and mentioned Pope Francis at a speech in the Vatican today. He arrived this afternoon, just for a few hours, to attend a conference that commemorated the 25th anniversary of Centesimus Annus, St Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the economy and social justice. The conference was also attended by the Bolivian and Ecuadorian presidents Evo Morales and Rafael Correa. Francis sent a greeting, explaining that he was unable to meet participants in person because he was busy preparing for tomorrow’s trip to the Greek island of Lesbos. “The Church’s social teachings, stretching back to the first modern encyclical about the industrial economy, Rerum Novarum in 1891, to Centesimus Annus, to Pope Francis’s inspiring encyclical Laudato Si’ this past year, have grappled with the challenges of the market economy. There are few places in modern thought that rival the depth and insight of the Church’s moral teachings on the market economy,” said Hilary Clinton’s rival in a speech entitled “The Urgency of a Moral Economy”. Today’s situation is “worse” than in Leo XIII’s era. “In the year 2016, the top one percent of the people on this planet own more wealth than the bottom 99 percent”. In more recent times, 25 years after Karol Wojtyla’s Centesimus Annus, “speculation, illicit financial flows, environmental destruction, and the weakening of the rights of workers is far more severe than it was a quarter century ago. Financial excesses, indeed widespread financial criminality on Wall Street, played a direct role in causing the world’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. “Globalization was used as a pretext to deregulate the banks, ending decades of legal protections for working people and small businesses,” said the Democratic senator, quoting various statements made by Pope Francis regarding the “globalisation of indifference” and the central role played by financial systems, to the detriment of man. “Some,” Sanders said, “might feel that it is hopeless to fight the economic juggernaut, that once the market economy escaped the boundaries of morality it would be impossible to bring the economy back under the dictates of morality and the common good. I am told time and time again by the rich and powerful, and the mainstream media that represent them, that we should be “practical,” that we should accept the status quo; that a truly moral economy is beyond our reach. Yet Pope Francis himself is surely the world’s greatest demonstration against such a surrender to despair and cynicism. He has opened the eyes of the world once again to the claims of mercy, justice and the possibilities of a better world. He is inspiring the world to find a new global consensus for our common home.” The way the Democratic candidate sees it, “the challenges facing our planet are not mainly technological or even financial, because as a world we are rich enough to increase our investments in skills, infrastructure, and technological know-how to meet our needs and to protect the planet. Our challenge is mostly a moral one, to redirect our efforts and vision to the common good. Centesimus Annus, which we celebrate and reflect on today, and Laudato Si’, are powerful, eloquent and hopeful messages of this possibility. It is up to us to learn from them, and to move boldly toward the common good in our time.” In the afternoon, the Pope sent the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the Argentinian monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Zorrondo, a hand-written message which read: “Dear brother, as you know, at 7 pm I had planned to come and greet participants in the conference on Centesimus Annus. Yetserday I realised today was going to be difficult because of my trip to Lesbos tomorrow. I confirm this situation and wish to apologise for my absence”. Francis went on to send his greetings, prayers and wishes to participants. Bernie Sanders - who yesterday evening held a televised debate with Hilary Clinton after a rally attended by 27,000 supporters of his in New York – landed at Rome’s Ciampino airport just after 3 pm. He was a bit late in arriving at the Vatican – just after 4 pm - due to organisational issues and is due to leave for the United States tomorrow morning, to attend the New York State primaries. He is in Rome with his wife and some of his children and grandchildren. After his speech at Casina Pio IV, he met journalists and supporters who were waiting for him outside the Vatican. The senator once again praised Pope Francis’ for being a “visionary” in areas such as the economy, ecology and finance. Hillary Clinton is well ahead of Sanders in the Democratic primaries but the “socialist” candidate, a lay Jew, has enjoyed success in a number of states and intends to press on with his election campaign until the July convention. [size] lastampa.it[/size] | |
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لطفي الياسيني معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : المشاركات : 79840 نقاط : 711708 التقييم : 313 العمر : 118 | موضوع: رد: Apr. 16, 2016 Bernie Sanders criticizes Wall Street at Vatican conference The candidate for the US Democratic presiden الإثنين 18 أبريل 2016 - 14:05 | |
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