منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدي
منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدي
منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

لطفي الياسني ،منتدى لطفي الياسيني شاعر المقاومة الفلسطينية
المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسينيبلينكن يسلم السوداني رسائل "تهديد" إلى الفصائل المدعومة من إيران!There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 22:01 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأفكار شاردة من هنا هناك/٨٠ : بيلسان قيصرThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 21:50 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيحنين الى الاوطان/ شعر لطفي الياسينيThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 19:22 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياحد مبارك على الجميعThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:27 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياحد مبارك على الجميعThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:27 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني أبراج ارب حظ أبراج اليوم أبراج الغد أبراج 2025 صفات الأبراج توافق الأبراج مواضيع تفسير الاحلام اكتشف نفسك . إعرف حظك . فسر أحلامك يمكن أن يساعدك علم التنجيم في حل مشكلات الحياة من خلال فهم الذات، وتحديد الصفات التي تبحث عنهThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:24 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيمقبرة الصمت / د. لطفي الياسينيThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:23 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأبراج ارب حظ أبراج اليوم أبراج الغد أبراج 2025 صفات الأبراج توافق الأبراج مواضيع تفسير الاحلامThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:34 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيما هكذا يا "فيصل بول مارا" تورد الإبل ! : أحمد الحاج جود الخيرThere are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:34 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالمالكي قال: ما ننطيها !!!..واليوم ماذا يقول؟؟؟ ننتزعها وانت الممنون!There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:33 من طرف

أختر لغة المنتدى من هنا


 There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
حناني ميــــــا
حناني ميــــــا

الإدارة العامة
الإدارة العامة
معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : كاتب مميز
There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 24131
نقاط نقاط : 220104
التقييم التقييم : 15
العمر : 82

There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.   There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeالخميس 12 سبتمبر 2019 - 0:24

There are three days a year I think about my dad most.
His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.
He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.
He died 4 months later almost to the day on January 10.
Prayers to all those who died and their families on this horrific day 18 years ago.

There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. 70236000_10158478749887316_1712782075167244288_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQlKxDumM1xvkYmhoAfWtoWkdnthG6jjkdH3awtDkljwyLe9oaorReDTg6T34ClkKSrxOV_aUrE--1phIjf-nH99&_nc_ht=scontent.fmuc2-1

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
لطفي الياسيني
لطفي الياسيني

أمير المقاومين

أمير المقاومين
معلومات إضافية
الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. Pi-ca-10
المشاركات المشاركات : 80451
نقاط نقاط : 716471
التقييم التقييم : 313
العمر : 119

There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.   There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. I_icon_minitimeالخميس 12 سبتمبر 2019 - 7:26

There are three days a year I think about my dad most.  His death date. His Birthday and 9-11.  He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. 69960504_522532555217400_910022725852987392_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQlQ7i4BJrT0UIb-eBdfJt3Le1wKxEu6fcODbQ9iMzv4h2qY-Ez7ssJ1ZT6rRuNup4o&_nc_ht=scontent.fsdv2-1
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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خدمات الموضوع
 KonuEtiketleri كلمات دليليه
There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. , There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. , There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. ,There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. ,There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. , There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR.
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إذا وجدت وصلات لاتعمل في الموضوع او أن الموضوع [ There are three days a year I think about my dad most. His death date. His Birthday and 9-11. He was my fellow news junkie. We were glued to the news and he repeatedly called me that day and days after as I covered the story from various angles for WJR. ] مخالف ,,من فضلك راسل الإدارة من هنا
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