منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
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منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني
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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

لطفي الياسني ،منتدى لطفي الياسيني شاعر المقاومة الفلسطينية
المواضيع الأخيرةمنتدى لطفي الياسينيبلينكن يسلم السوداني رسائل "تهديد" إلى الفصائل المدعومة من إيران! The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 22:01 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأفكار شاردة من هنا هناك/٨٠ : بيلسان قيصر The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 21:50 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيحنين الى الاوطان/ شعر لطفي الياسيني The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 19:22 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياحد مبارك على الجميع The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:27 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينياحد مبارك على الجميع The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:27 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسيني أبراج ارب حظ أبراج اليوم أبراج الغد أبراج 2025 صفات الأبراج توافق الأبراج مواضيع تفسير الاحلام اكتشف نفسك . إعرف حظك . فسر أحلامك يمكن أن يساعدك علم التنجيم في حل مشكلات الحياة من خلال فهم الذات، وتحديد الصفات التي تبحث عنه The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:24 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيمقبرة الصمت / د. لطفي الياسيني The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 18:23 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيأبراج ارب حظ أبراج اليوم أبراج الغد أبراج 2025 صفات الأبراج توافق الأبراج مواضيع تفسير الاحلام The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:34 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيما هكذا يا "فيصل بول مارا" تورد الإبل ! : أحمد الحاج جود الخير The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:34 من طرفمنتدى لطفي الياسينيالمالكي قال: ما ننطيها !!!..واليوم ماذا يقول؟؟؟ ننتزعها وانت الممنون! The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeأمس في 13:33 من طرف

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  The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta

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الأوسمة : كاتب مميز
 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta Bookwo11
المشاركات المشاركات : 24131
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 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta    The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 26 نوفمبر 2019 - 10:57

 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta AAuK4fp
Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime

John Bowden
8 hrs ago

 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta BBXasXB
Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s…

 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta BBXkgQA
Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules

President Trump signed a bill into law Monday establishing animal cruelty as a federal crime after the measure passed with bipartisan support through Congress.
 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta BBWWA5L© The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime
A statement from the White House press office Monday evening confirmed that the president had signed the bill, which specifically codifies so-called "animal crushing" as a federal offense punishable with a fine and up to seven years in prison.

The now-passed Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) law defines the term as any act where an animal "is purposely crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled, or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury."

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was a vocal supporter of the bill as it passed through the House, tweeting in support of the measure after it had previously passed the Senate with similar bipartisan support.

"Today, I was honored to sign @RepTedDeutch's #PACTAct to make animal cruelty a federal offense," she tweeted earlier in November. "Our furry friends, Milo and Prudence, were on hand to help me enroll this bipartisan legislation that will now go to the President's desk!"

The White House also said Monday that Trump had signed into a law an act requiring the Treasury Department to mint coins in honor of the women's Suffrage movement, which won the right to vote for women in the U.S.


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الأوسمة : شاعر متميز
 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta Pi-ca-10
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 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta    The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 26 نوفمبر 2019 - 23:47

 The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules  President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta 72398456_545359516268037_6249202592778289152_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeFWhi0gVKs-Wa-8ppTzIm2AsA9vhh89JqHL2iUgS16-svltgbqMSwEgHBtuYHR20eZmUc0fb2Rxhc1fi8kIyr8NE7NpXSXXX7gw_NeVDHMsgA&_nc_ohc=jvJ3uyZnIxAAQkpaGnFoi3F8-ScjLA5BPdRjyvF7Lzhh6ylqXQBUoIecw&_nc_ht=scontent.fsdv3-1
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The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta
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The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta , The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta , The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta , The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta , The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta , The Hill Trump signs bill making animal cruelty a federal crime John Bowden 8 hrs ago Supreme Court blocks House committee from reviewing Trump’s… Trump can’t stop officials from testifying, judge rules President Trump signed a bill into law Monday esta
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